Episode 5 Resources: vegans Killed Yoga


In this episode, We explore concepts like ahimsa, vegetarianism, veganism, diet culture, and what it means to be healthy.


Diet culture & Body Positivity

  1. Jesal’s Blog Post on Health Part 1 and Part 2

  2. Smash the Wellness Industry by Jessica Knoll

  3. The Wellness Industry Isn’t Making You Well by Caroline Rothstein

  4. Why Diet Culture is Toxic — Even For People Who Don’t Diet by Laura Munoz

  5. What is Diet Culture by Hanna Magee

  6. Recognizing and Resisting Diet Culture on the National Eating Disorder website

  7. How Influencers Helped Me Dismantle Culture by Rebekah Hall of Man Repeller

  8. Burning Questions answered by Meghan Jayne Crabbe aka Bodiposipanda

  9. Obsession with Instagram 'clean eating' trend turns into eating disorder - 60 Minutes Australia

  10. Yoga + Diet Culture: Think Less, Feel More by Lauren Fowler

  11. Orthorexia Nervosa

  12. It’s Time to Put an End to Diet Culture by Stephanie Roman on the Thinx blog

  13. Eat Breath Thrive - a training designed to give yoga teachers skills to support mindful eating, emotional resilience and body confidence

  14. EmbodyLoveMovement - an organization focused on empowering girls and women to celebrate their inner beauty, commit to kindness, and contribute to meaningful change in the world.

  15. Amber Karnes on the Body Positive Language Do’s and Don’t for Yoga Teachers

  16. The Obesity Myth: How Diet Culture Has Skewed Our Reality of “Healthy” by Katie McBeth

  17. The Ancient Origins of Diet by Nicola Twilley & Cynthia Graber

  18. Nutritionism

  19. Why “Skinny-Fat” Can Be Worse Than Obesity by Dr. Mark Hyman

  20. Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong by Michael Hobbes

  21. Heart Disease in Marathon Runners

  22. Risk Stratification For Coronary Artery Disease In Marathon Runners

  23. Instagram Will No Longer Promote Diet Products to Minors by Sangeeta Singh-Kurtz

  24. Health At Every Size (HAES)

  25. What is Intuitive Eating?

  26. Eating Disorder Symptoms by Within Health