Posts tagged podcast
Ep 4 - Vinyasa Killed Yoga

In this episode, we discuss the history and evolution of the vinyasa practice and issues of accessibility, yoga injuries, and a culture of athleticism. We touch on concepts of vinyasa, surya namaskar, tapas, modern postural yoga and the evolution of asana. We discuss certain popular yoga gimmicks and debunk the theory that no yoga is authentic. We share our personal stories and preferred methods for practicing and teaching. We pitch the importance of yoga & community and we wrap the episode with guidelines and tips for practicing vinyasa in an inclusive and accessible way.

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Ep 3 - Gurus Killed Yoga

In this episode, we discuss the mindset of followers that FALL prey to gurus. We touch on concepts like ahimsa, brahmacharya, and isvara pranidhana. We take a look at yoga gurus, power dynamics, and personality characteristics that are often linked to abuse, harm, and misconduct. We share our personal stories of guru vs mentor. We wrap the episode with harassment communication guidelines for studio owners to adhere to and for traveling yogis as homework.

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Ep 2 - Karma capitalism Killed Yoga

In this episode, we discuss the role that karma capitalism plays in killing yoga. We cover concepts of karma, seva, dharma, fair pay, and the commodification of yoga. We share stories of hiring & firing, contracts and the lack thereof, what constitutes an employee vs. an independent contractor, and share a surprising legal situation. We wrap the episode leaving you with this question - what constitutes your karma yoga?

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Ep 1 - White Women Killed Yoga

In this episode, we discuss the role that white women play in killing yoga. We cover topics like spiritual bypassing, white fragility, cultural appropriation, power dynamics and the cultural characteristics of white women that wreaks havoc on the yoga industry. We wrap the episode with a toolkit for yoga studio owners, yoga teachers, and the yoga community at large to do better with diversity and inclusivity in the name of yoga.

We want to acknowledge that this topic is going to be difficult for a lot of you who might be listening. If you’re white, you might hear a stereotype and think “well that’s not all of us.” And while that may be true, it’s the same as saying “not all men.” In our experience, white people – especially white women, don’t respond well to being generalized or stereotyped. So, if this episode makes you feel upset, angry or defensive, we suggest you sit with those feelings and reflect on why your feelings are more valid than ours.

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